Review of My Game
As soon as I finished my game, I needed to see what people thought of it. I printed out a questionnaire and gave out a copy to each member of the group. Only 4 of them came to take a look and responded back, which limits feedback a bit. Here are the 10 questions I asked and the answers I got. Question 1: What do you think the game should be called? (Because I'm still struggling with ideas) Not everyone could think of an idea either. I only got 2 responses for this. One person suggested it should be called 'City Escape' because of the city setting and another suggested that it should be called 'Love Attack' because you rescue your girlfriend from a kidnapper that you have to fight like in Super Mario Bros. I quite liked the latter idea and may consider naming it that. Question 2: What did you think about the platform levels? They all agreed that it was a good platform with different opinions. One said it was too not challenging but still looked fun and anothe...