Review of My Game

As soon as I finished my game, I needed to see what people thought of it. I printed out a questionnaire and gave out a copy to each member of the group. Only 4 of them came to take a look and responded back, which limits feedback a bit. Here are the 10 questions I asked and the answers I got.

Question 1: What do you think the game should be called? (Because I'm still struggling with ideas)

Not everyone could think of an idea either. I only got 2 responses for this. One person suggested it should be called 'City Escape' because of the city setting and another suggested that it should be called 'Love Attack' because you rescue your girlfriend from a kidnapper that you have to fight like in Super Mario Bros. I quite liked the latter idea and may consider naming it that.

Question 2: What did you think about the platform levels?

They all agreed that it was a good platform with different opinions. One said it was too not challenging but still looked fun and another said it was nice and easy to travel across. However, the other two suggested that a bit more detail was added to them.

Question 3: Did you think the cars provided a really good challenge?

Annoyingly, two of them just gave a simple "yes" while another agreed in more detail that it was a great challenge and a good idea. However, the other review said that they were too fast and they got hit almost instantly. It just takes a bit of practice to be able to clear them. When I first tested the game I was always getting hit.

Question 4: Did you like how the levels get darker and darker and then daylight to finish?

One of them only gave a simple "yes" again. A more detailed review said yes because it made it look and feel less plain. Another said it was a great planned structure because it gets darker as it gets harder and then the daylight marks that feeling of victory. Despite this, the other review said that they kind of liked but it could cause problems. What problems? I can't think of any. I should have asked them to specify to see if was something I could see once they mention it.

Question 5: Did you find the boss battle OK?

I really needed feedback for the boss battle as I felt I'd made it too hard for people. They all agreed it was good but only two of them went into more detail. One said they liked it because it was fast paced which is what they look for and find good in a game while the other said it was good but maybe it should have lasted a bit longer.

Question 6: Did the thugs provide a good challenge or did they come in too frequently?

This was what I needed to know about specifically. The number of seconds frequency correlates to the boss' health so to start off, they spawn in every 5 seconds and at the end, every 1 second. Two of the reviews bluntly stated that they were too frequent and too fast while the others agreed that they did come in really fast, but it provided a good challenge. One even went as far as say it made more fun.

Question 7: Would you change how you kill the boss? If so, how would you do it.

Two of them said no, they wouldn't change it at all while the other two had come up with different ways on how they would do it. One suggested that I should give the player a weapon instead of all that jumping. I originally planned for the game to include a crowbar as the invincibility weapon but I had trouble animating them when in use so I scrapped it and replaced it with simple punching and kicking. The other said there should be more stages and health. More health would make it more of a challenge and last longer but I think that more levels would have been too time-consuming and I wouldn't have been able to finish it.

Question 8: What's your opinion on the overall story?

For this answer, all but one of them just gave a simple "good" which was annoying. However, the other review said that not much was actually explained. Maybe I should have started each level with guided text about what is actually happening and what you need to do at each stage.

Question 9: Were there any issues with the game? If so, what were they?

Three of the reviews said that there were no issues with the game at all. However, the other felt that the falling speed was too high and they felt that every time they died by falling off the stage, they fell like a rock and they also felt like the cars were really hard to avoid as they were too fast. Well, the original plan was for them to instantly kill the player until I decided to be a bit nicer and after I decided to make the cars the sole enemy for the platform levels while the skateboarding thugs were left for the boss battle.

Question 10: Is there anything you would improve? What would they be?

One of the reviews said that the game is perfect and nothing needs improving while the other three thought of completely different things to improve the game. One said it's a great game but it just needs a bit more smaller details. Another said that the fall speed needs reducing so it doesn't look like the player falls like a rock. When I was making it, I thought it looked like standard gravity. The other review said that the view area needs to be a bit bigger so you can see the enemies coming. I tried to make the point of view for the enemies as small as I could to try to accommodate for this. I didn't want to make it too easy.

So overall, these 4 reviewers appeared to like my game only finding the boss battle a bit too hard and agreeing that there needs to be a few more smaller details. Overall, it's just the little things that need improving.


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